Archives: Portfolios

Quote Maker | United Home Services
By Kirk Williams | September 18, 2019 | Categories:Challenge: a client providing an in-home sales experience needed a mobile app to allow sales staff to gather customer information, display available products and pricing, build project quotes, and generate final estimates to the retail customer. Solution: KW Works created a mobile app targeting both iOS and Android that was…
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Studio Mogul | PAC6 Games
By Kirk Williams | September 18, 2019 | Categories:Challenge: a game development company wanted to simulate the “mogul” experience of film production during the golden age of Hollywood. The game intended to re-create the studio system of the 1940s and 1950s, placing the user in the role of “studio boss” tasked with hiring directors, developing stars, and producing…
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Social Networking Platform | E13 Vator
By Kirk Williams | September 15, 2019 | Categories:Challenge: a business development company wanted a proprietary networking platform they could use to place their clients into online, professional groups based on geographic area, expertise, and topics of interest and then be able to initiate regular online group sessions with interaction via video conferencing, community chat, and shared white…
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Interactive Voting Platform | VoteUSA
By Kirk Williams | September 15, 2019 | Categories:Challenge: a group of entrepreneurs needed a secure, reliable mobile application that allowed a target audience to participate in an election or indicate their selections on multiple questions and have those choices recorded with an audit trail. Solutions: we created a hybrid mobile application targeting both iOS and Android platforms…
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Loan Repayment Tool | Edcor
By Kirk Williams | September 15, 2019 | Categories:Challenge: a financial services company needed an online payment portal to enable customers and their employers to make payments on existing loans that originated in a wide network of lending institutions. A variety of users with varying comfort levels with online financial transactions was expected. An intuitive interface to build…
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